As we mentioned before, Taylor’s is attending the 2010 American Music Awards tonight. She just arrived on the red carpet looking ABSOLUTELY STUNNING in the sparkly dress and straight hair. We uploaded the first pictures to the gallery, so make sure to check them out by clicking the thumbnails below. We’re really looking forward to see Taylor’s performance. Rumor has it that it will be Back To December/Apologize (by OneRepublic)! Be sure to tune in on ABC to watch the show! It’s going to be an exciting night!

Update 1: Taylor just won “Favorite Country Female Artist” for the third year in a row! Whoohoo! Thanks SO MUCH to everyone who voted for her! :D You can watch her acceptance speech here on YouTube. It’s very sweet that she thanked us fans! :D
Update 2: Taylor just performed Back To December/Apologize. She was sitting on a flying piano and sang it beautifully. We loved her outfit and haircut as well. She looked classy <3 Check it out here on YouTube!
Update 3: The show is now over. Thanks again to everyone who voted and a big congratulations to Taylor! :) We also added more pictures of the show. We’ll replace them with HQ ones tomorrow, so enjoy these for now!

Is it possible to watch it online?
I get it-shes pop-taylor tonight. shes faith hill. pft.. ;-)
watch live here:
Yay! Taylor won! She totally deserved it! :D
Thanks for the link!
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amazing<3 she was stunning and looked so pretty and sang like an angel!
She looks great, loved the performance, and awesome acceptance, screw the haters :p She looks like she’s been losing weight though, I hope she stays healthy but yeah… just something I’ve noticed. I was just watching her music video for Our Song a few minutes ago and then I saw her here and noticed.
Maybe it’s just the outfit or maybe she’s grown taller? Maybe I’m missing something, but honestly I don’t see much of a difference between her in ‘Our Song’ and her here.
The performance was beautiful. And “It’s too late to apologize”? Is that the feedback of the guy? He is a jerk! I thought she was going to cry!