Taylor will be on the Ellen Degeneres Show on Thursday, December 2nd 2010. You can watch preview from the episode on this link. She performed her new single “Back to December” and I can’t wait to watch it. Check your local listings or visit www.ellentv.com for time and channel.
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Nice post.
Great blog. Lots of websites like this cover subjects that can’t be found in magazines and newspapers. I don’t know how we got on 12 years ago with just print media.
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There were a number of pages in this blog that appeared worthwhile in my opinion. Unfortunately when I tried subscribe to your RSS feed, I got an error message. Don’t know if you’re aware that, only thought I’d bring it to your attention.
great thanks \o/
I gotta give it to you I hadn’t thought of this before thanks
There were a number of pages in this blog that appeared worthwhile in my opinion. Unfortunately when I tried subscribe to your RSS feed, I got an error message. Don’t know if you’re aware that, only thought I’d bring it to your attention.
All credit for writing about this.There’s a bunch of important info on the internet.You’ve got quite a lot of that info here on your site.I’m impressed – I try to keep a couple blogs fairly on-going,but it can be difficult every now and then.You have done a big job with this one.How do you do it?
Are you using CrazySense theme? I’ve been looking around for your blog’s theme but couldn’t find it, mind telling me where I can get it, please?