We added 4 pictures of Taylor with two fans who won a meet & greet contest through Z100. They were lucky enough to hang out with Taylor in Nashville a few days ago!

Our grand prize winner, Stephanie Brunner of NJ, had an incredible time in Nashville hanging out with Taylor Swift, including a fun boat ride on Radnor Lake, and lunch with Taylor’s family at her lake house.
Click here to listen to Z100’s interview with Stephanie about the meet & greet!
Taylor cooked her lunch and baked her cookies? Man, that’s like living in a dream world…
Any more contests?? I really love Taylor Swift!
alogha Taylor Swift i’m a huge fan of your music and your counchy music awards. my dream is to meet you in person because you are my #one favorite music idol. i have down syndrome at eighteen months old i was given three months to live. your eyes are very pertty. for chirstmas i really want the tickets to meet you. i love your outfits are so cool.
hey Taylor i’m a huge fan of your speak now world tour and your music. do you rather like to meet you or you look pertty ! i always do the heart thing on my hands. i just loved it. this contest is gonna be sweet and really rade. your magazine’s in BOP magazine’s they are awesome poster’s and story’s about your life. see ya miss Swift.
That is my counselor at school she’s the best she has pictures of her and Taylor in her office