Last month, Taylor made a visit to the Ronald Mcdonald House of New York, where she gave an acoustic performance and signed autographs for sick children. Thanks to, we have pictures from the visit. Take a look at them in the gallery, they’re adorable!

Hi! Thanks so much for putting up all these pictures! Taylor is SO SWEET to people like us! Disabled people. <3
There is an accompaning video under the title ” The Taylor&Brooke Show” spelled like that with it joined. This is to whoever runs this, it’s such a sweet video, but very short.
What a sweetheart!
Hi taylor u r so amayzing i lov u more than any other in this world i used to sing ur’s songs al the time thanks for writing such an lovely songs in al there albums
i lov taylor swift
frm india khadir khan
Miss you Taylor!!! Hope you still love your pink flower. Love, Brooke
@brooke – this is not taylors official web page. it is a fan page, so she will probably not see your message. sorry! maybe try to email at her fan address on her page?
Taylor, you are simply Amazing. Of course you know that! Thank you for making Princess Brooke and the Ronald McDonald House NY so HAPPY! Words can’t express my gratitude. Is there a song in the near future for Princess Brooke Blossom and the many boys and girls fighting pediatric cancer? I know you have a doll, why not make it a bald Taylor in their honor? You are AWESOME! Love and blessings from Florida.
Taylor, you are simply Amazing. Of course you know that! Thank you for making Princess Brooke and the Ronald McDonald House NY so HAPPY! Words can’t express my gratitude. Is there a song in the near future for Princess Brooke Blossom and the many boys and girls fighting pediatric cancer? I know you have a doll, why not make it a bald Taylor in their honor? You are AWESOME! Love and blessings from Florida.