Six years ago today, TSW opened! Without Taylor and her team, we wouldn’t have a reason to continue this site, so a huge thank you to them! A thank you also goes out to you guys, the visitors, for making this site what it is today. Whether you’ve reblogged, retweeted, liked, or shared us, or just casually dropped by for the first time, thank you. We cannot convey how much we appreciate everyone who’s helped us get here. As a thank you, Taylor sent us a note congratulating us for this milestone. This note isn’t just for us, the staff, it’s more importantly for you, so thank you once again!

Thank you guys for all the information and stuff! You guys rock! Happy 6th aniversary!
Thank You for Everything!! This Page is Perfect! <3
That special day is here again congrats Happy 6th Anniversary taylor u really perfect thank you for being beautiful all time. you’re just as special to me i lov u so much more than one can imagine.
iov u taylor
frm india khadir khan
Happy 6th anniversary! Y’all run the best Taylor fan site out there. Thank you for all that you do.
Happy 6th anniversary TSW!!!! Thank you all for all the hard work and integrity. I’ve always been kept up to date on everything Taylor because of you (but never ridiculous gossip thankfully!) and I’ve met really amazing people in the process. Thank you very much for that. Here’s to all the years to come! Congrats!
HAPPY SIXTH ANNIVERSARY!! Wow, can’t believe it’s been 6 years! I visits yur account everyday! Congrats <13
Congratulations on behalf of all the fans from Argentina!!