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Jan 30, 2013

Taylor’s Nashville Favorites

Taylor gave a cool interview with Nashville Lifestyles about her favorite tourist spots, restaurants, and living in her own place. It’s really different from most interviews and enjoyable, so take a minute to read it!

NL: How does it feel to have your own place in Midtown Nashville?
TS: I love living in Midtown. In 10 minutes, I can walk to Hillsboro Village through the Vanderbilt campus, past the gorgeous old stone buildings and churches. I love being so close to Green Hills and the Gulch and Broadway. Everything is two minutes away.

NL: What’s your favorite thing about owning and having your own place?
TS: My favorite thing is getting to have my friends over and cook for them. Hanging out with friends at home always turns into some piano sing-along, so I have all kinds of percussion instruments and guitars lying around. Also, living in an apartment motivates you to get out and get things done during the day. Something about living up in the sky, being able to see the whole city going about its day, makes you want to get up early and go accomplish things.

NL: If you had a day to be anonymous in Music City, what would you do and where would you go?
TS: I’d just probably do the same things I usually do. It would be so depressing to think I couldn’t go certain places because people know who I am now. I love going to the shops in Franklin and walking around the adorable areas in East Nashville (my fiddle player Caitlin’s neighborhood) and walking to Starbucks in the morning.

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1 Comment on “Taylor’s Nashville Favorites”

  1. Wow. Soo helpful. We are going to Nashville and needed some recomondations.
    Your fan

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