A video with footage from last night's concert mixed in with an interview before the show has been released! It's awesome to see bits of the concert, so check it out! Don't forget to donate pictures if you go...
Taylor kicked off the Red tour in Omaha, NE last night and, judging by reviews, it was a great show! Check out this review from Omaha.com below and more on the forum! Review: Taylor Swift connects with fans The...
Taylor kicked off the Red tour in Omaha, Nebraska tonight! It was an amazing show and a great way to start off the tour! The show is unlike any she’s ever done before and you can tell she put...
Diet Coke has released the first video in their Take 13 series featuring Taylor! The first video features Red tour rehearsals, and shows Taylor rehearsing State of Grace. Diet Coke will be releasing more exclusive videos, so keep an...
Two photos of Taylor posing with her stylist Joseph Cassell for The Hollywood Reporter have been released! We added them to the gallery and hopefully more will surface soon. Click on the previews below to check them out!
The music video for 22 premiered this morning on GoodMorningAmerica.com! It’s a cute music video which Taylor says she’s never had more fun shooting a music video because all the girls in the video are really her best friends!...
Taylor covers one of four special covers for The Hollywood Reporter, along with her stylist Joseph Cassell. You can check out the cover below thanks to THR!
We just added a brand new photo from a shoot of Taylor to the gallery, courtesy of Much Music. It's rumored to be taken from the set of the "22" music video, which premieres tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. ET...
Taylor’s ACM: For Your Consideration video has been released! It’s an awesome video which shows the success of Red worldwide, and highlights Taylor’s recent international visits to Australia, Brazil, France and the UK. You can also see some really...
MTV.com has released a video of Taylor backstage at rehearsals of the Red tour in which she talks about what we can expect to see on the road! She mentions things such as what will make this tour different...